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Need to have Dr. Graefenberg adviced.
Dear Dr Graefenbrag,

As a well known doctor with local and international patients, you don't have time to met and give the valuable advices for me. But it's Okey, I got your greatest best selling books, Dor Vinci Code, sixty-nine printed which I found a lot of the best theory but with my limitation of understanding. I need your personal adviced.

The problem is, my closed friend, Mr. B- who name as "perennially unlucky single man" was now faced a sister situations which I was told you via international wireless 2.5 G connection and my questions are;

1. Is it possible to change relationship form sister to another?
2. How could he act like a single man?
3. How to seperates between freedom life and couple life?
4. If they broke up is it possible to be a sister, brother again?
5. Last Saturday was a plan, wasn't it?
6. Why Thai trade university girls are too hot?
7. Is it possible to be a General lift kitchen?
8. When do you prefered to launch your brand new book "the sister management"?

I don't know who had more experiences, specialist in this situation to gave him the best advice like you.

Bed sexy regards,
Son of A Legendary Croc.
โดย: โอรสชาละวัน   วันที่: 15 Nov 2005 - 10:21

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 1 / 5 : 147467
โดย: O-Omega
#6 O_o

especially the one who drive a red altis eiei.
วันที่: 15 Nov 05 - 10:40

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 2 / 5 : 147517
โดย: Little Croc
Dear Son of A Legendary Croc,

I think your friend is having a very very 'big' problem. However, from what I heard, I think Dr. G might still be very bisy with his patients and with the time zone differences, he might not be able to give you the answers in time.

Patient somehow has to be patience.

Have FUN for now,
Little Croc

ps. I'll be waiting to read Dr. G's advices on this case too. Very very interesting. May be we can arrange a small meeting next time he's in town.
วันที่: 15 Nov 05 - 12:53

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 3 / 5 : 147543
โดย: Dr Greafenberg
Dear dear dear...,

What a problem Mr B has now!!!

To save time, I would like to answer all questions as follows:

Q1: Is it possible to change relationship form sister to another?
A1: Yes, it is possible to change the relationship as long as one day your heart would ask so.

Q2: How could he act like a single man?
A2: Maybe he would still like to have freedom. Or probably he might choose too much. Or else, he may just love his single life.

Q3: How to seperates between freedom life and couple life?
A3: Mostly, when a man opt for couple life, he / she will for sure lose more or less his / her freedom life. However, this lose will be compensated by non-lonely life.

Q4: If they broke up is it possible to be a sister, brother again?
A4: If one day, they must break up, it depends very much on circumstances and reason why they do. Moreover, the way they do is also important. Some couples can maintain their friendship, while many others can't.

Q5: Last Saturday was a plan, wasn't it?
A5: I am not so sure whether or not it was a set up. Nevertheless, If Mr B was happy for what had happened, then just let it be!

Q6: Why Thai trade university girls are too hot?
A6: From my personal experience, quite a number of UTCC girls are cute and friendly. Few of them may be hot as you said. Bare in mind to prepare a thick wallet if you like to fancy one (or more).

Q7: Is it possible to be a General lift kitchen?
A7: Sorry, I do not understand your question. Please repeat.

Q8: When do you prefered to launch your brand new book "the sister management"?
A8: The Sister Management topic could not be written. It is purely based on personal talent and varies from case to cases.

Gotta rush now. Let us meet one day!

Have sex,
Dr G
วันที่: 15 Nov 05 - 15:30

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 4 / 5 : 147619
โดย: โอรสชาละวัน
Dear Dr G and Little Croc,

Thanks for your valuable answers, I need to explain my Q7 as follow;
In Q7: it's mean Take both of Them or in Thai means Pra Ya Tae Krua!
Do you have any adviced or strategic in this case?

Form my understand, Mr. B may love his freedom life, freedom plus and New Gen but i do not know more or less than his sister.
I'm too worry about him.
If he will met his sister again what will happen next?
What type of posture he should do?

By the way, I will need to have your sign in your book, Dor VinCi Code. I will bring itwith me if we met each other one day.

Cheers leader,
Son of A Legendary Croc.
วันที่: 15 Nov 05 - 18:38

 ความคิดเห็นที่: 5 / 5 : 148466
โดย: Dr Graefenberg
I personally do not recommend the "pra ya tae krua" approach. It could end everything up with tragedy. The case may be even worse than relations in the office.

To avoid such a case, please do not hesitate to send Mr B's sister's sister to me for inspection asap.

Dr G
วันที่: 17 Nov 05 - 09:36